24h Europe
24h Bavaria
24h Jerusalem
24h Berlin
Collaborator as a director on the 24-hour real-time documentaries produced by Zero One Film with up to 80 shooting teams:
Collaborator as a director on the 24-hour real-time documentaries produced by Zero One Film with up to 80 shooting teams:
Zero One Film, Idéale Audience, Arte G.E.I.E., Arte Deutschland, Arte France, RBB, SWR, BR, RTBF 2015
A day in the European universe, told through the eyes of young people in different corners of the continent. 60 protagonists from 26 countries in geographical Europe and with different backgrounds take us into their everyday lives, tell us about their dreams and everyday realities.
A unique contemporary document, a manifesto for the future – told in real time, 24 hours a day, from six in the morning until six in the morning of the following day.
Real time documentary, 24h long
Zero One Film, Megaherz Film, BR 2016
A day at home from the perspective of the Bavarians. 24 hours in real time. The focus lies on the people and their everyday lives: work, aspirations, disappointments and dreams. We accompany workers, managers, artists, students, farmers, policemen, refugees, young and old and many more throughout their day.
Real time documentary, 24h long
Zero One Film, BR-arte 2014
24h Jerusalem recounts the Holy City through the eyes of its inhabitants, entangled in permanent contradictions: Jews, Muslims and Christians, Israelis, Palestinians and foreigners, women and men, immigrants and long-time residents, believers and atheists, night owls and early risers. 70 film teams accompanied around 90 protagonists with the most diverse life stories at work and in their leisure time, in cramped apartments and spacious villas, in temples, mosques and churches, in Israeli settlements and Palestinian refugee camps.
24h Berlin erzählt vom Leben in der deutschen Hauptstadt an einem Tag im Herbst 2008. Achtzig Drehteams begleiteten Menschen in ihrem Alltag, quer durch alle Schichten, Milieus und Ethnien, volle 24 Stunden lang. Das kollektive Fernsehprojekt gewährt in Echtzeit Einblicke in verschiedenartige Lebenswelten, schaut an die Ränder der Stadt ebenso wie in ihre glamouröse Mitte: vom Regierenden Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit bis zum Obdachlosen, von der Hartz-IV-Familie bis zum Dirigenten Daniel Barenboim, von der Schülerin bis zur Rentnerin.